Do I Need a Partner to Practice Tantra?

I’m often asked

“Do I need a partner to practice Tantra?”

The short answer is, “No, you don’t need a partner to practice Tantra.” 

Let me explain why that is in this short article!

Think of Tantra like dancing. 

You can have a rocking good time by yourself getting your groove on. Of course, dancing with someone else can magnify the experience: your energy together could rise into ecstasy or descend into something all bumbly and awkward.

Most of my Tantric journey I have done as a single person.  

I’ve been practicing being in my own energy and wholeness, before engaging with others. I’ve learnt to create my own bliss and take responsibility for my own turn-on. This allowed me to move through my day in communion with the ever present pulsation of life, making love to life - without the help of another.  

Yes, it is exquisite to dance with and love another. We were born yearning for this kind of connection and it can be beautiful, sacred, and holy. My feminine body hungers for the masculine–we’re talking the real, sweaty, salty, beautiful body of a man, not some concept. Tantra with another can be an unsurpassed, ecstatic celebration of physical and spiritual union.

All that, however, begins with the individual.

Whether you find yourself single or partnered, a space for miracles opens up when you begin to cultivate a deeper relationship with your own divine life force energy or Shakti. Explore the erotic dance of your inner marriage of the masculine and feminine aspects. Make love to yourself, make love to life, know your heart as the Source of love. Expand your capacity to receive pleasure. Bask in your own radiance, not as a strategy to get the attention of another, but simply because it’s your innate birthright to be truly alive, happy and content. 

If you are ready to explore Tantra on your own, then my workshops are perfect for you. Visit this page to explore the upcoming events and sign up.


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